Saturday, August 31, 2013

Michael Ruse States Why Darwin Should Not Be Publicly Challenged

Suzan Mazur, who wrote about the Altenberg 16 conference on the "Extended Synthesis," posted an e-mail chain conversation at her site: "From October 16 – 24, 2007, [Stanley] Salthe ran an email chain on the [Jerry] Fodor “Pigs” story with some of the science elites throwing in their two cents."

Said Stan Salthe:
“Folks – There’s not much new in this below, but, given Fodor’s prominence, and the place of publication, I thought I would pass it on.”
Michael Ruse, philosopher:
“In my opinion Fodor’s piece is grotesquely and immorally irresponsible – he has done no homework on evolutionary theory – to say that natural selection did not shape the guppy and the fruitfly is ludicrous of course, every creationist in north america is salivating today – even though, they are the people who push adaptation more than even me! think that this one won’t be used in the argument over what should be taught in schools?
Today, I am deeply ashamed to be a philosopher”
Stuart Newman, cell biologist:
“Fodor’s piece seems pretty reasonable to me, in fact, kind of obvious. To say that organisms at any stage of evolution have only a limited array of condition-dependent inherent characteristics, or developmental pathways, and selection can do no more than choose among these, has nothing whatsoever to do with creationism.”
Michael Ruse:
“You are very naive – it has everything to do with creationism – of course, to deny adaptationism is not to endorse creationism – but to write a piece slagging off natural selection in that way, is to give a piece of candy to the creationists – I am sure that duane gish has already incorporated this into his talks of course natural selection has to work on an array of given things, but this is not to deny selection – especially not through fodor’s silly arguments about analogies – and certainly not adaptationism the point of course is that fodor did not simply write a technical piece on adaptation – he wrote a piece flamboyantly denying selection in today’s climate, where we have just had two ultra right supreme court justices appointed, I think his behavior is somewhere between stupid and wicked
Emphases are mine. ... Apparently, Supreme Court justices who elect to not dictate to the states what is and isn't science might not agree with Judge Jones' schlocky philosophy of science and that makes them "ultra right."  Ruse has a moment here where he descends into "Duane Gish Syndrome."  Is he an anticreationist or a secular creationist? 

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