Thursday, September 5, 2013

secretor system evolved from the more elaborate flagellum?

The secretor system evolved from the more elaborate flagellum?

Sure, it makes more sense that the less comes from the more, rather than the more from the less, but ...  Wasn't the opposite story part of the reason Judge Jones gave for dismissing Michael Behe?  Because Behe was allegedly too obtuse to realize that the flagellum might possibly could've maybe developed from the secretor?

Uh-oh, these researchers have thrown a bit of candy to the creationists.  Which makes them secular creationists.  (Unless they are Christian, and then they are simply creationists.)

Of course, there are severe problems with exaptation, which even Allan Orr recognizes, and these problems don't go away if the secretor continues to be trotted out as the missing link, or if another less complicated nanomachine is.

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